AVIKO Churros with strawberry sorbet and balsamic vinegar glaze and pear sorbet and chocolate glaze

AVIKO Churros with strawberry sorbet and balsamic vinegar glaze and pear sorbet and chocolate glaze

Number of servings 2-4
Preparation time 10-20

Main required ingredient


AVIKO Churros

Strawberry sorbet:
100g of powdered sugar
500g frozen strawberries
grated zest of 1 lemon
balsamic vinegar cream

Pear sorbet:
500g frozen pears (previously peeled and with the centers cut out)
100g of powdered sugar
filtered juice of ½ lemon
1 teaspoon of ginger
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
50g dark chocolate 64%

Strawberry sorbet:
Take the strawberries out of the freezer and set them aside for 5 minutes. Mix sugar, lemon zest and strawberries in a blender. Serve with a few rosemary leaves and a few drops of balsamic vinegar cream.

Pear sorbet:
Take the pears out of the freezer and set them aside for 5 minutes. In a blender, mix pears, sugar, lemon juice, ginger and cinnamon. Before serving, sprinkle with a few drops of chocolate melted in a water bath.

Prepare AVIKO Churros according to the instructions on the packaging. Serve several pieces on each plate, sprinkled with powdered sugar, along with portions of both sorbets.

Good tip:
Churros can be enjoyed in many ways - with ice cream, sweet toppings, with dark or milk chocolate, with forest fruits, with sugar, whipped cream, coffee, cocoa... be creative and share with us your favourite way of esting AVIKO Churros!  :)

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